Learning and Cultural Enhancement Section

CUHK Cultural Enhancement Funding Scheme

The CUHK Cultural Enhancement Funding Scheme aims to provide financial support for student groups and individual students to promote cultural exchange and enhance cultural experiences on campus. This funding scheme offers two main opportunities:

Student Group Events: Student groups can apply for financial assistance to organize events that foster cultural exchange and promote diversity. These events can include cultural festivals, workshops, performances, exhibitions, and other initiatives that celebrate different cultures and encourage cross-cultural understanding within the CUHK community.

Individual Student Grants: Individual students who wish to attend events, activities, or programmes that contribute to their cultural enhancement can apply for grants. This can include participation in conferences, seminars, cultural immersion programmes, or other relevant activities that broaden their cultural perspectives and enrich their overall educational experience.



  • Student associations affiliated with or recognized by the Office of Student Affairs (OSA), Colleges, Faculties, or Departments at CUHK
  • Non-registered student groups
  • Individual full-time undergraduate students
  • To prevent double benefits, activities that have already received subsidies or sponsorships from other sources within the University are NOT eligible.
  • Students participating in the exchange programmes or internship programmes organized by any University department, or credit-bearing activities will NOT be subsidized.
  • Applications must fulfill at least one of the following criteria:
  • Promote cultural diversity and inclusion and foster a global understanding.
  • Enhance leadership in a cross-cultural context.
  • Provide opportunities involving interactions with non-local students, institutions, or organizations.
  • Applicants can submit more than one application within an academic year, while priority will be given to first-time applicants.


Open for self-nominated applications (Term 1, 2024/25)

Period of student activities: 1 September to 31 December 2024
Application deadline:  2 October 2024


Application Process

  • Self-nominated applications are accepted three times a year – term 1, term 2 and summer, while OSA-nominated applications are accepted throughout the year.
  • Applicants should submit their online applications at least two months before the activities.


Funding Support

  • The maximum funding support provided for organizing an activity is HK$15,000 per application. The funding source must be acknowledged in the activity promotion materials.
  • The maximum funding amount provided for attending an event is HK$5,000 per application.


Application guidelines: https://www.cuhk.edu.hk/osa/lces/NewsLibrary/Guidelines_CUHK-Cultural-Enhancement-Funding-Scheme.pdf

Application form: https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php?id=13686137

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