Learning and Cultural Enhancement Section

Cultural Festival

The Learning and Cultural Enhancement Section organizes a bi-annual cultural festival that showcases the diversified cultural landscape on campus. Each term, the festival adopts a different theme and format, providing the CUHK community with a unique platform to immerse themselves in vibrant cultural experiences.

One highlight is the lively carnival, where interactive booths managed by students from various cultural backgrounds offer a glimpse of their traditions, art, cuisine, language, and more. At the festivals, participants have the opportunity to engage directly with students representing different cultures. They can interact with booth attendees, and learn about the unique aspects of each culture. From trying traditional costumes and crafts to sampling authentic cuisine, participants will be able to immerse themselves in a multitude of cultural experiences.

Highlights of past festivals:

Sri Lankan dance performance at Cultural Vibes@CUHK

Multicultural Music Theatre Project

Welcoming Dinner

A Symphony of Love – Lunchtime Music Shows