詳情 | Are you looking for ways to relax and recharge amidst the demands of upcoming final exams? Join us to learn how to achieve a balance between academic success and well-being!
The Learning and Cultural Enhancement Section (LCES) of the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) is excited to introduce a one-week campaign called “Empower U: Pre-exam Fun Fest”, taking place from 8 April to 12 April 2024.
This incredible festivity includes a series of activities, such as game booths, stress-relief workshops, and a talk about eating strategies for exam.
Join us at “Empower U: Pre-exam Fun Fest” and discover the secrets to acing your finals with confidence!
[Talk] Eating Strategies for Exam(應考飲食攻略)
Discover the secrets to supercharging your exam preparation through the power of nutrition.
Registration Required (First Come, First Served)
Enroll now: https://webapp.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/ras/restricted/event?id=86622 |
[Workshop] Circle Painting Workshop(圓圈繪畫工作坊)
Drawing vibrant circles promotes harmony, relieves tension, and revitalizes spiritual energy. Explore the art of color communication, stimulate creativity, and appreciate others in a peaceful and non-judgmental environment.
Quota: 25 | Refundable Deposit: $260
Registration Required (First Come, First Served)
Enroll now: https://webapp.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/ras/restricted/event?id=86623 |
[Workshop] Aromatherapy for Stress Relief Workshop(芳香療法紓壓工作坊)
Discover the power of aromatherapy to enhance your mood, find relaxation, improve sleep, and reduce stress. Join our workshop and unlock the secrets of this ancient practice.
Quota: 25 | Refundable Deposit: $160
Registration Required (First Come, First Served)
Enroll now: https://webapp.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/ras/restricted/event?id=86624 |
[Booth Activities] Mini Games for Relaxation(攤位遊戲)
Join our 3-day booth games to relax before exams! Don’t forget to reflect on your learning patterns while having fun. |
[Booth Activities] Nutrition Boost: Banana and Nuts Giveaway(「蕉」才進補.「堅」係健康)
By distributing delicious and nutritious foods like bananas and nuts accompanied by a handy “Good Food Card”, you will discover the secrets of fuelling your body with the appropriate nutrients and maintaining a balanced diet. |
The Silent Exchange: Express, Connect, Heal(靜謐交匯︰抒發、連結、療癒)
Write down your thoughts and feelings or respond to the sharing on the board to connect with and support each other. |
Collect the full set of “7-Well Cards” during the campaign to redeem practical and exquisite gifts.
Don’t miss this exciting opportunity!
