Learning and Cultural Enhancement Section

International Connection Programme 2024/25


Terms 1 & 2, 2024/25




Free of charge


Mentors: Year 2 or above CUHK full-time UG students

Mentees: Year 1 CUHK full-time UG students


Application for mentors: https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php?id=13691538

Application for mentees: https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php?id=13691546


3943 1526 / lces@cuhk.edu.hk


The International Connection Programme, a cross-cultural peer mentorship programme organized by the Office of Student Affairs, offers a unique opportunity for students from diverse backgrounds to connect and enhance cultural understanding. We warmly invite you to join us as a mentor or a mentee, where you will have the chance to:

  • Build intercultural supportive networks by connecting with senior students
  • Ease your transition to university life
  • Cultivate global leadership skills
  • Engage in enriching cross-cultural interactions



One mentor will be matched up with one mentee. Each mentorship group will consist of both local and non-local students. Matching will be conducted based on factors such as personal interests, major, affiliated college.  



  1. Training Sessions

Each mentor or mentee is required to attend the Meet-up Session and two workshops out of the three: 

Topic Tentative date
Meet-up Session & Stress Management and Resilience Building Workshop Sept 2024
Event Organization & Cross-Cultural Communication Workshop   Oct 2024
Global Leadership Skills Workshop   Oct 2024 
  1. Bonding activities between you and your mentor
  2. Engaging cultural events organized by the Office of Student Affairs, e.g. visit to Shenzhen
  3. A cultural event organized by you and the other participants, with a subsidy provided

The winning team will receive full subsidy for participation in a cultural tour to Singapore in 2025!


Certification and Prize

  • Student Development Portfolio (SDP) record update
  • Certificate of Participation (Requirement: attendance in at least two training sessions, as well as completion of at least two bonding activities)
  • (For the winning team) Overseas cultural tour