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Important Reminders and Useful Information 重要提示及實用資料

Important Reminder

Information on CUHK IT Services 香港中文大學資訊科技服務處使用者支援服務

ITSC has created a new student quick start guide which can help you learn the must-use services, including

  1. Collect and set up student account
  2. Know the requirement of entering the campus
  3. Use the vital IT services, such as email, Wi-Fi, teaching tools and free software to facilitate your study

For details, please visit:

Need Help? Please contact ITSC Service Desk ( or 3943 8845 during office hours.


中大資訊科技服務處特意為你預備了新生快速入門指南,助你認識中大人必需使用的 IT 服務,包括

  1. 領取及設定學生帳戶
  2. 進入中大校園需知
  3. 使用基本 IT 服務,如電郵、WiFi、教學系統及供免費下載或使用的軟件


如需協助,可於辦公時間聯絡中大資訊科技服務處(網址: / 電話:3943 8845)。

Beware of Telephone Deception 提高警覺 小心電話騙案!!

Dear Students,


Telephone fraudulence is seen risen in recent years. To stay alert against deception, you are highly recommended to access the latest leaflet of phone scam from police at scam_EN.pdf.

You are also highly recommended to browse the website of Anti-Deception Coordination Centre ( and websites below for the latest modus operandi of deception and scam alerts and to remind your classmates and friends.


In addition, you can also browse the latest scam alerts (click here) and make use of Scameter to identify potential frauds and online pitfalls.


We hereby alert you to be watchful on suspected telephone frauds:

  • Do not disclose your personal particulars to strangers, including your HKID numbers, bank account numbers, online banking accounts and PIN codes;
  • Do not download any unknown applications, or click on any links or open any attachments embedded in suspicious emails, or input any information into unknown applications or websites.
  • You should always pay attention to the website of the Anti-Fraud Coordination Center of the Hong Kong Police Force at,  and remind friends and classmates around you;
  • Please call the Police’s “Anti-Scam Helpline 18222” if in doubt, or call 999 for any emergency.

The Hong Kong Immigration Department (ImmD) has produced a publicity video (click here) to educate members of the public on how to deal with suspicious unknown calls in order to avoid falling prey to scams, in response to frequent telephone deception cases in which scammers impersonate ImmD staff.

Finally, please remember that although scammers employ various tactics, their ultimate goal is your “money”. Therefore, please “pause, check, and investigate” to properly protect your assets when it comes to any financial requests.


Learning Enhancement Officers (LEOs)
Learning and Cultural Enhancement Section
Office of Student Affairs
The Chinese University of Hong Kong







警方最新有关预防电话骗案单张, 请参阅: scam_SC.pdf


警方反诈骗协调中心亦有制作短片讲解「假冒官员」电话骗案的手法及防骗贴士,藉此加强学生识别骗案的能力,不因对方能讲出自己的个人资料或展示疑似拘捕令而堕入骗局。 请同学们按以下连结浏览短片及网页,以了解如何提防电话骗案,避免成为下一位受害者。





  • 切勿向陌生人透露个人资料:包括身份证号码、银行户口号码、网上银行及电子货币包帐户及密码
  • 切勿下载不明来历的应用程序及打开可疑电邮内的链接或附件,或者将任何数据输入到不明来历的应用程序或网址;
  • 大家应常留意香港警务处反诈骗协调中心的网页,提醒身边朋友及同学;
  • 如有任何怀疑,可致电警方「防骗易」咨询热线18222。如遇上紧急情况,请致电999求助。








On-campus Banks 申請銀行帳戶須知

There are two banks located at CUHK campus, namely Hang Seng Bank (1/F, John Fulton Centre) and The Bank of East Asia (1/F, Pomerenke Student Centre).

Details for bank account opening

  • Bank of East Asia (Please click HERE)
  • Hang Seng Bank (Please click HERE)


中大校園內有兩間銀行,分別為恒生銀行(富爾敦樓1 樓)及東亞銀行(龐萬倫學生中心1 樓)。


  • 東亞銀行申請帳戶須知按
  • 恒生銀行申請帳戶須知按
Preparation for Studying at CUHK and Living in Hong Kong 中大學習及香港生活資訊

The Learning Enhancement Officers prepare a calendar* with important dates for non-local new comers, along with infographics on important documents, campus facilities, local transportation and Hong Kong culture, etc. 

(*The important dates listed on the calendar are applicable to full-time undergraduate programmes only.)


Coming soon







Useful Information

Compass for Non-local Students 非本地學生指南

Coming soon 即將推出



Useful Links


The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學